Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Father The Major Has A Big Announcement For The Town

My father the major has a big announcement for the town. â€Å"People all over the city are getting a virus called plague or the black death† he said. As the major went on â€Å" the capitol will be here soon to take away our contestants for this year s hunger games.† â€Å"If they don’t make it in time we will have to evacuate the city and who ever is left behind we must leave behind† the major said. Everyone started to gasp and panic. I thought to myself, but what about gale and my sister Prim he can t leave his family and neither can I he still has his mother and I have my father.My mother died from pneumonia. His father left them to escape the capitol one day and they caught him running through the woods where Gale and I hunt. That day the capitol found him,ever since then Gale had to take care of his family on his own. As I walked down the road to Gale s house I stopped by the bakery to see that nice man with the witch if a wife. â€Å"Hello is the bakery open right now? I wanted to know if I could talk to the man of the bakery.† He never told me his name and he never talked a lot. I think it’s because I talk too much. People always say at school that all I do is blabber my mouth about anything I can. I think my father told me stop right here but I don’t remember because of the announcement. I waited awhile...still no one came out. Then I heard a big CRASH. So I grabbed the pan that the water was leaking in from the roof and started walking into the back. My father always told me toShow MoreRelatedMachismo in Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez1029 Words   |  5 Pagesmachismo expected of Latino men is exemplified by Santiago Nasar. Machismo men as stereotypically thought of as strong, rich, loud, and as womanizers. They are often associated with violence. 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